Terms & Conditions.

By using the services offered by Magical Parenting and Basil and Crew, you accept and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this agreement. In addition, when using these services, you shall be subject to any guidelines or rules that may be applicable. Any participation in the services offered constitutes acceptance of this agreement. 


1. Supervision of Children: Parents or guardians must actively supervise their children during farming activities.

2. Safety Precautions: Ensure that safety guidelines and precautions are followed at all times to minimise risks associated with farm activities. Follow the instructions provided by the farm staff.

3. Conduct: Maintain respectful and considerate behaviour towards other participants, farm staff, and animals. Participants should treat all animals with kindness and respect. Any aggressive behaviour towards animals, other guests or farm staff will not be tolerated. Do not damage or harm any farm property or equipment. Parents should ensure their children do not engage in any activities that could cause damage.

No animal will be forced to participate in sessions should one of our staff determine the animal to be reluctant. This includes the farm dog. The farm dog will approach you if he wishes to make friends. Please do not force the dog to try and be your friend.

4. Smoking is not permitted. The entire site/farm is non-smoking, non-vaping

5. Cleanliness: Leave the farm areas as you found them. Dispose of any litter in the provided bins. Participants should maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the farm.

6. Health and Safety and Hygiene: Follow any health and safety and hygiene guidelines provided by the farm, especially when handling tools, animals and produce.

7. Social media: Photography and sharing on social media should be done with permission.

8. Program Changes: Although we offer year-round sessions regardless of weather, as we're an outdoor activity, the farm reserves the right to modify or cancel activities due to unforeseen circumstances, including extreme weather conditions.

9. Attendance: Please note that siblings aged 2-17 accompanying a registered participant must be registered too, and a fee must be settled, even if they will not actively participate in the activities. 
Siblings under two years old can join free of charge, although they must be included in the registration form. Attendees who do not comply with this policy will be denied access to the farm until the required fees are settled.

10. Booking and Cancellation: All sessions must be booked in advance. In the event of a no-show, refunds will not be issued. Exceptions may be considered, and rescheduling can be accommodated at the provider's discretion, subject to availability. 

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these terms and conditions.


Magical Parenting is thrilled to present our Referral Programme, designed to reward both existing and new visitors. When you refer someone who has never visited the farm before, they will receive a 25% discount, and as a gesture of our gratitude, the referrer will also enjoy a 25% discount. This programme is valid until the end of March 2024.

Redemption Process:

1. To refer someone, the referrer must send an email to info@magicalparenting.co.uk with their name, last name and the referred person's name.

2. The referred will receive an email with a discounted code that can be redeemed within two weeks of the referral email. After the code has been redeemed, the referrer will receive their discounted code, which must be redeemed within two weeks.

3. To redeem the discount, you can use the code at the checkout after registration. Link here.


- This discount cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounted price.

- For families currently enrolled in a six-session package, the 25% discount applies to the purchase of a new single visit. Please note the discount code must be redeemed within two weeks of receipt. Sessions booked with this discount must take place before the 15th April 2024.

- The referral programme applies only to first-time visitors.

By participating in the Magical Parenting Referral Programme, you agree to these terms and conditions. Magical Parenting reserves the right to amend or terminate the programme at any time without notice.

Thank you for being a part of our community and sharing the magic!


Participants are responsible for their own safety and the safety of their children. The farm is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the activities.

Farm animals may carry a number of infections that can be harmful to people. Whilst every effort will be made to minimise these risks, we request that visitors read the HM Government guidelines on "Avoiding Infection on Farm Visits" and thoroughly wash their hands at the end of the session.

Although working with animals has many benefits it should be remembered that animals are unpredictable. There are also areas of significantly uneven ground, muddy areas, wired fencing.

Should any persons accessing Basil & Crew become aggressive towards one of our staff and/or animals we reserve the right to make a decision whether or not it is appropriate for us to continue with the sessions/placement.


At Basil & Crew we will make every effort to provide the service agreed, we will not be liable for any failure to provide the service or any part of the service that is caused by issues that is beyond our reasonable control including, any suspension of the service resulting from emergencies, repair, maintenance and upgrades to our site or systems.

We may, where we consider it appropriate for your or other persons protection, suspend, withdraw, or restrict the use of Basil & Crew or any part of the service. We will tell you as soon as practicable if we take such action.

We may also end the operation of the ‘Cultivating Life Skills’ service at any time by giving you reasonable notice. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, or for any loss of data, profit, revenue, or business, howsoever caused.

Magical Parenting and Basil and Crew will not be liable for any failure to perform their obligations under this Agreement caused by matters beyond their reasonable control.

We look forward to your visit and a wonderful time at our farm!