Magical Parenting Podcast
Education and Knowledge
In this episode, I talk about education, Inner Knowledge, Outer Knowledge and the importance of developing the knowledge within.
‘Uniqueness,’ what does it mean and why it is important for our development and the one of our children?
In this episode, I explain the concept of sameness and how standardisation - as the opposite of uniqueness - can negatively impact the way we educate children in schools and at home.
Why are the early years crucial in life?
Explaining why the early years are crucial for the development of future adults and how the current education system fails at supporting children's unique potential and healthy growth.
The Magical Bodies®
Learn about The Magical Bodies® and what they consist of.
The Physical Body
What is the Physical Body? How can we support a healthy development? In this episode I talk about health, nutrition Vs food, the NOVA food classification system, processed food and uniqueness.
What is the Emotional Body?
What is the difference between emotions, feelings and intuition? Why developing the Emotional Body can help us perceive, experience and express emotions without being overwhelmed or controlled by them? The element water is used in this episode to better understand how some emotions work and when to recognise if they negatively impact parenting.
What is Santa REALLY teaching our children?
In this Christmas edition, I give five main reasons why Santa's tradition doesn't really teach the principles of the Spirit of Christmas. I also suggest some ideas to create a more meaningful and magical Christmas tradition for your family.
Exploring The Mental Body
In this episode, I talk about the mind, how we build intelligence and how thoughts can be better understood when associated with the element Air. You could see why a highly developed mind could not be such a good thing while nurturing curiosity and behaving as scientists can be important to keeping a balanced Mental Body.
The Spiritual Body
Here I discuss the Spiritual Body, the Soul, the Inner World and the dynamics of good and evil. I explore the ‘Dark Side’ and why spiritual development is so important for us parents and our children.
School Education VS Holistic Home Education
Defining what I mean by school education and holistic home education and sharing seven main differences between the two. I talk about curricula, teacher-student ratio, marks and assessments, nutrition, social aspects, the importance of creativity and curiosity and last but not least about parents' time.
The Montessori Philosophy at Home
Learn about the Montessori philosophy and how this can be used in home education. After a brief introduction of Dr Maria Montessori, I explain what ‘following the child’ means, why understanding the four planes of development can be useful for parents, what is the prepared environment, and the importance of observation and the spiritual preparation of the educator.
The Montessori Method at Home, Part 1
In part 1, I cover some common questions about children's education at home. While understanding whether parents can teach, I question the purpose of education and give some practical ideas of what and how to teach by following your child's uniqueness. I also explain some dynamics of teaching and why play is an important tool for this matter.
The Montessori Method at Home, Part 2
In part 2, I cover more questions about children's education at home, such as how to teach, where and when to teach, the use of technology, screen time and video games. Among some strategies and ideas I talk about 'Sustained Shared Thinking', 'The Work Cycle' and answer one of the most common questions parents ask, "Can I work and home-educate my child?".
Ten tips to support independence & confidence in children
Why and how to foster independence? - what to avoid and what to focus on. In this episode, I talk about the Oedipal Mother, the dangers of overprotective parenting and the 'Parenting Styles Theory' of Diana Baumrind. At the end of the video I share my ten top tips on how to support independence and confidence in children from the early ages.
Why outside time beats screen time all the time
In this video, I talk about children's use and overuse of screen time and its impact on their overall well-being, especially on very young children. I explain how outside time beats screen time in all areas of growth, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and I suggest some ideas to support healthy development while managing your children's time and ways to entertain themselves.
It's ALL about play!
Learn why play is not only important for children's learning and development but also to build their unique character. Learn how to support your child through play at home!